I'm off to the 11pm service at Eastshore tonight, and Josh is off to play World of Warcraft, and Houdini is off to lick herself until she gets confused and licks her bed for five minutes before falling asleep, and Zoe is off to sulk that the dog is still around. It's been a pretty intense year for us: I got my BA, we ran our first 5K, I started graduate school, we moved to Ballard, we had a legendary party (apologies to the neighbors!), and I got pregnant. I really can't wait for next year.
I asked Josh what he was hoping for with regards to the kid, and he laid this bit of wisdom on me which I think is a pretty solid baseline for baby expectations: "I just want them to be healthy and have no compulsion to kill and eat people."
Merry Christmas!
Sounds like you had a great year!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!