Monday, January 24, 2011

19 weeks

The kid is making itself very, very known via a series of acrobatics every night after 9pm. It's not discernible to outside observers or touchers, but it is very, very distracting to me.

We have our first ultrasound tomorrow and I'm so excited that it's best if I don't focus on it, because otherwise nothing will get done today.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Forbidden love

It's not often that I have cravings for the things I'm not supposed to have, but I am almost in tears because I am craving a cold turkey sandwich from the deli up the street. Cold thick-sliced turkey, mustard, shredded lettuce, on whole wheat bread.

I mean, my craving for beer continues unabated, but the sudden craving for deli turkey is overwhelming and unbearable.

Friday, January 7, 2011

News flash!

I've been asked by Persephone Magazine (an online feminist magazine) to do a weekly column for them about my pregnancy experience, both individually and through my personal feminist lens. Every Friday at 5:30PM EST, a new one goes up!

Here's my introductory piece.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

15 weeks, 6 days

We went to our second prenatal on 12/30 and heard the heartbeat again-- 140 BPM. I got a referral for our first ultrasound, and I'll book that appointment for our 19th week (approximately the week of January 19). I also asked for, and received, a referral for prenatal massage due to the pain I've been experiencing. I finally looked at the referral sheet closely tonight-- my beloved, perfect, AMAZING midwife prescribed me 30 massages! And insurance covers them! Or at least some of them, I am going to call Regence tomorrow and find out how many are covered so I can start scheduling them.

I can't believe we're almost at 16 weeks already, I went maternity clothes hunting again today and was pretty disappointed by the selections at Old Navy (do they just think pregnant women on budgets deserve to be ugly?) and Target (I do not need a mustard-colored shirt with a tiny boob pocket, thanks). I picked up some yoga pants which fit comfortably and will be absolute saviors, because my three pairs of regular yoga pants have become too uncomfortable to wear.