I've been volunteering at Greyhound Pets, Inc, a retired greyhound rescue and adoption group in Woodinville for the past few months. I wanted to volunteer with animals, and we wanted to adopt a greyhound, so it was the perfect intersection. I've been able to meet all the dogs and get an idea of who might be a good fit for us. On my birthday, we went out to find a dog to bring home this week.
As we walked down the row of kennels, it was just after turnout, so most of the dogs were sacked out (ten minutes of playing is a lot of effort for a greyhound). I wasn't sure if I wanted to try taking out Houdini or Bridgitte (who we'd taken out before). But when we got to their kennels, Houdini made the decision for us. She was dancing around and so excited to see us, she couldn't stop wriggling. When we took her out to the turnout yard, she'd run to me when I called, but she always veered over to Josh, butting her head into his chest and burrowing into his arms.
It was love at first sight. We bring her home tomorrow.
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